Our skill is to create for our clients’ investments built around our common sense investment principles that can perform in different market conditions, to deliver capital growth or as an example, a rising income, by investing in unrestricted companies funds from around the world and the case for global equity investing is compelling. These companies’ funds have consistently grown wherever they are in the world, which has generally provided excellent returns over the longer term.
There are tremendous tax benefits for either investing onshore or offshore. Funds divided tax efficiently between spouses, children and civil partners, to utilise all their unused personal allowances is an ideal way to mitigate and potentially reduce the future rates of income, IHT and capital gains tax suffered.
Portfolios are independently assessed with active management and regular reviews and proactive guidance. Our recommended portfolios will have access to different fund management styles and management groups whilst incorporating exposure to both onshore and offshore funds, different asset classes, tax planning tailored to client’s personalised risk profiles and objectives.
Investing in a personalised global portfolio can offer a potential higher return with a distinct advantage to be able to invest in some of the world’s fastest-growing countries, particularly growth and income strategies, are attractive but remember the investment adage that the more risk you take, the higher the reward you should expect, rings true.
Whilst growth is one important attribute of investing and income another, everything is linked and related to income, with a clear need to plan for it, underlining the importance of financial planning incorporating ISA, Investment, Pensions and cash portfolios to ensure income is paid or re-invested to typically to protect living standards against inflation and to achieve capital growth objectives.
We welcome clients who want to be informed and we are confident about the quality of our independent, free from any restrictions advice. To back this up, give you peace of mind, we can organise for new clients to speak to any of our clients at random direct to confirm these facts. We are happy to arrange a meeting without any obligation, for both parties.