What is our edge?
Our competitive advantage is that we have no conflicts of interest or contracts that influence our ability to always act in the best interests of our clients and customers at all times. This is paramount and enshrined in our firm’s culture ethics and beliefs.
The advice we are offering clients is a highly personalised service built around their individual needs and aspirations, one that goes beyond the old-style of financial advice to provide the high level, holistic, strategic service usually enjoyed by only the very wealthiest individuals and families with no minimums to help you get rich slowly.
There are tremendous tax benefits of either investing onshore or offshore. Funds divided tax efficiently between spouses, children and civil partners, to utilise all their unused personal allowances is an ideal way to mitigate and potentially reduce the future rates of income, IHT and capital gains tax suffered.
Our recommended client portfolios are independently assessed with active management and regular reviews and proactive guidance. Our recommended portfolios will have access to different fund management styles and management groups whilst incorporating exposure to both onshore and offshore funds, different asset classes, tax planning tailored to client’s personalised risk profiles and objectives.
We welcome clients who want to be informed and we are confident about the quality of our independent, free from any restrictions advice. To back this up, give you peace of mind, we can organise for new clients to speak to any of our clients at random direct to confirm these facts. We are happy to arrange a meeting without any obligation, for both parties.