We deal with Directors who have neither the time nor inclination to manage their Company’s money, who want to outsource to someone who can do it for them.
Typical Company money objectives with excess funds are to give a better return on capital than leaving funds on deposit. As an example of what the alternatives are, other than merely leaving your Company’s cash on deposit, is that there are investments that pay between 3% to 5% plus variable income, these investment funds have achieved this along with additional capital growth. You Company could re-invest this income to significantly enhance your returns and future capital growth prospects, with the objective to give your Company a better return on your cash than just leaving your Company money on deposit with their bank or building society.
Tingley and Cooper also work with directors on pension contributions, how you pay yourself in terms of dividend and salary options, maximising personal tax reliefs combined with corporation tax savings, along with future retirement planning, directors exit strategies, when the time is right to sell and how to make it all go to plan.
In addition, there are tremendous tax benefits with your existing company protection, Key man, PHI, Directors and staff Pension contributions, with your employees or company on who pays the premiums? Are they all set up correctly in an appropriate trust? When was the last time the Company reviewed and updated these with the new rules and changes in regulations?
We are independent whole of market advisers and free from all kinds of influence; not bound by any kind of agreement with any product provider, 22 years’ experience incorporating the many advantages of letting go traditional biases investing in both onshore and offshore global funds incorporating tax planning advice and benefits, working in conjunction with your solicitors and accountants on this subject is of paramount importance when considering onshore or offshore funds.
We welcome company directors who want to be informed and we are confident about the quality of our independent, free from any restrictions advice. To back this up, give you peace of mind, we can organise for new clients to speak to any of our clients at random direct to confirm these facts. We are happy to arrange a meeting without any obligation, for both parties.